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Case Report

Thechoice of treatment for intradiverticular tumors of bladder is should be cystectomy or transurethral resection?

Medical Park Ankara Hastanesi, Üroloji Departmanı

New J Urol. 2015; 10 (3): 54-56


Most of the diverticules arise from the pos-terolateral wall of the bladder in periüreteral seg-ment that the muscle layers are congenitally weak. Intradiverticular stasis of urine predispose to dysplasia and metaplasia; the incidence of intra-diverticular malignant tumor have been reported between 0.8% and 10% in the literature. The most prominent symtom of intradiverticular tumor is hematuria. We had performed the transurethral resection to our case who is 70 years old man and have an intradiverticular tumor size in 3.5 cm. By reason of the invasion of the muscle layer in the report of pathological investigation,we performed the cystoprostatectomy. The determination of the surgical procedure for the intradiverticular tumor is a controversial issue. There are a few patients had been reported, therefore the determination of the algorithms of intradiverticular tumor of bladder exactly is not possible. Although there are several studies that showed the good prognosis after the transurethral resection of intradiverticular tumors of bladder; we think that the main choice must be cystectomy to  avoiding from complications of transurethral resection in patients who have big tumor burden and extradiverticular spreading and save time.

Key Words: Tumor of bladder, Diverticulum of bladder, Cystectomy, Transurethral resection


Most of the diverticules arise from the pos-terolateral wall of the bladder in periüreteral seg-ment that the muscle layers are congenitally weak. Intradiverticular stasis of urine predispose to dysplasia and metaplasia; the incidence of intra-diverticular malignant tumor have been reported between 0.8% and 10% in the literature. The most prominent symtom of intradiverticular tumor is hematuria. We had performed the transurethral resection to our case who is 70 years old man and have an intradiverticular tumor size in 3.5 cm. By reason of the invasion of the muscle layer in the report of pathological investigation,we performed the cystoprostatectomy. The determination of the surgical procedure for the intradiverticular tumor is a controversial issue. There are a few patients had been reported, therefore the determination of the algorithms of intradiverticular tumor of bladder exactly is not possible. Although there are several studies that showed the good prognosis after the transurethral resection of intradiverticular tumors of bladder; we think that the main choice must be cystectomy to  avoiding from complications of transurethral resection in patients who have big tumor burden and extradiverticular spreading and save time.

Key Words: Tumor of bladder, Diverticulum of bladder, Cystectomy, Transurethral resection
