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  • Transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy: Outcomes and lessons learned from initial 35 cases

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Transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy: Outcomes and lessons learned from initial 35 cases

1 Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Üroloji Anabilim Dalı, Çanakkale

2 İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi Göztepe Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği, İstanbul

3 İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi Göztepe Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Genel Cerrahi Kliniği, İstanbul

New J Urol. 2015; 10 (3): 10-14


Objective: We analyzed the outcomes of laparoscopic adrenalectomies performed over a 5-year period.

Material and Method:  In this descriptive, retrospective, observational study, we analyzed 35 laparoscopic transperitoneal adrenalectomy patients sex, age, preoperative diagnosis, size and laterality of mass, operative times, conversi-on to open surgery, postoperative complications, length of hospital stay and the results of histo-pathological examination, between January 2009 and May 2014.

Results:  The average age of patients was 50.2 (±3.5) years old. The pathologic diagno-sis of lesions were 15 adrenocortical adenomas (42.8%), 10 pheochromocytomas (28.5%), 1 lei-omyosarcoma (2.8%), 1 small cell adenoid carci-noma infiltration (2.8%), 1 cystic lymphangioma (2.8%), 1 miyolipom (2.8%), 1 angiomyolipoma (2.8%), 1 cavernous hemangioma (2.8%), 1 he-morrhagic cyst (2.8%), 1 mesenteric cyst (2.8%), 1 pseudocyst (2.8%), 1 endothelial vascular cyst (2.8%), 1 small cell lung cancer metastasis (%2.8) and 1 cystic lymphangioma (%2.8). 5 (14.2%) ca-ses required conversion to open surgery because of bleeding (4 cases) and extensive fibrosis (1 case).

Conclusion: Laparoscopic transperitoneal adrenalectomy has proved to be gold standard in the not only treatment of benign adrenal tumors and also alternative treatment for well-selected adrenal malignant tumors.

Key Words: Adrenal mass, laparoscopic ad-renalectomy.


Objective: We analyzed the outcomes of laparoscopic adrenalectomies performed over a 5-year period.

Material and Method:  In this descriptive, retrospective, observational study, we analyzed 35 laparoscopic transperitoneal adrenalectomy patients sex, age, preoperative diagnosis, size and laterality of mass, operative times, conversi-on to open surgery, postoperative complications, length of hospital stay and the results of histo-pathological examination, between January 2009 and May 2014.

Results:  The average age of patients was 50.2 (±3.5) years old. The pathologic diagno-sis of lesions were 15 adrenocortical adenomas (42.8%), 10 pheochromocytomas (28.5%), 1 lei-omyosarcoma (2.8%), 1 small cell adenoid carci-noma infiltration (2.8%), 1 cystic lymphangioma (2.8%), 1 miyolipom (2.8%), 1 angiomyolipoma (2.8%), 1 cavernous hemangioma (2.8%), 1 he-morrhagic cyst (2.8%), 1 mesenteric cyst (2.8%), 1 pseudocyst (2.8%), 1 endothelial vascular cyst (2.8%), 1 small cell lung cancer metastasis (%2.8) and 1 cystic lymphangioma (%2.8). 5 (14.2%) ca-ses required conversion to open surgery because of bleeding (4 cases) and extensive fibrosis (1 case).

Conclusion: Laparoscopic transperitoneal adrenalectomy has proved to be gold standard in the not only treatment of benign adrenal tumors and also alternative treatment for well-selected adrenal malignant tumors.

Key Words: Adrenal mass, laparoscopic ad-renalectomy.
