Genitourinary system tuberculosis is a rare spescific chronic granulomatous infecti-on. If there is the epididymis and/or testicu-lar involvement,this is mostly first kept or-gan and scrotal swelling, stiffness, and ra-rely skin fistulization can be seen instead of systemic signs. The treatment is done with an-tituberculosis drugs. We present a miliary tu-berculosis case with scrotal mass which occur-red under the antituberculosis therapy ongo-ing for 6 months and didn’t respond to any ot-her conventional medical therapy so causing us to think about tumoral formation as differenti-al diagnosis.
Key Words: Tuberculous, Epididiymitis, Tumor
Genitourinary system tuberculosis is a rare spescific chronic granulomatous infecti-on. If there is the epididymis and/or testicu-lar involvement,this is mostly first kept or-gan and scrotal swelling, stiffness, and ra-rely skin fistulization can be seen instead of systemic signs. The treatment is done with an-tituberculosis drugs. We present a miliary tu-berculosis case with scrotal mass which occur-red under the antituberculosis therapy ongo-ing for 6 months and didn’t respond to any ot-her conventional medical therapy so causing us to think about tumoral formation as differenti-al diagnosis.
Key Words: Tuberculous, Epididiymitis, Tumor